District Collection System
The District Wastewater collection system began construction in 1983 and was completed in 1985. The sanitary sewer piping is made of PVC.
Collection system statistics:
- 130 Sanitary Sewer Manholes
- 22,306 Feet of 8” Sanitary Sewer
- 7,608 Feet of 10” Sanitary Sewer
- 19 Lift Stations
- 50 Grinder Pumps
The District contracts with Midwest Contract Operations (MCO) for maintenance. The operator is employed by the Wastewater Control Commission, paid for by the Lake District through a quarterly sewer billing, and reports to the District Board of Commissioners. The Lake District owns a pole building at the Treatment Plant that serves as a garage for our maintenance vehicle and storage area for equipment.
The maintanence operator is responsible for all collection system maintenance within the sewered area of the District. Some of the maintenance tasks include: televising of lines, jetting of forcemains, pigging forcemains, inspection of disconnections and reconnections, DNR required inspections, locating sewer lines, repairs to all system equipment, inspecting lift stations and grinder pumps, inspecting manholes, preparing an annual budget, and filing reports.