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Lake Mgt

The FLILPARD’s lake management focuses on balancing the ecological needs of the lake and the recreational uses of the district residents and other lake users.

Lake Management Plan Update

The Fox Lake Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District is currently undertaking the process of updating our long range Lake Management Plan. In order to assist with the financial cost of the Lake Management Plan update, the Lake District has applied for a Lake Planning Grant with the Department of Natural Resources. The Lake Planning Grant can also assist with several lake management protection and rehabilitation-related projects. These projects include sediment depth and thickness measurements in critical areas of the lake, lake and stream nutrient monitoring, aquatic plant survey, and watershed best management practices.


The Lake Planning Grant will also provide finances that can be used for public outreach and community involvement with the Lake Management Plan update. For example, the Lake District will conduct a lake-wide citizen survey and hold several special meetings that will allow public participation in updating the plan. Although several “sub-plans”, such as the Aquatic Plant Management Plan, have been developed and implemented relatively recently, the long range Lake Management Plan has not been updated in over 10 years. Also, a citizen survey has not been conducted in over 25 years. The Lake District purports to serve Fox Lake and its constituency. Therefore, we strongly believe in the importance of public input from both the citizen survey and participation in Lake Management Plan update meetings. If you are interested in being a part of the public participation meetings, please contact the Lake District office at (920)928-2772 or email flilpard@centurytel.net.

Neal O’Reilly Presentations

FLILPARD's ecological consultant is Dr. Neal O'Reilly. His reports of the Fox Lake watershed...


Aquatic Plant Committee

The following individuals serve as an advisory group to Dr. Neal O'Reilly and the FLILPARD Board...


Aquatic Plant Harvesting

Due to the sensitive nature of the aquatic plant community in Fox Lake, a plant survey regularly tak...


Aquatic Plant Herbicide Treatment

For those who signed up for the Herbicide Treatment Signs and flags will be available for pick up a...


Watershed Management



Electrofish Report

Fox Lake Fall Electrofishing Summary Report – 2017 Fox Lake Fall Electrofishing Summary Repor...


Lake Water Quality

SOIL TEST YOUR LAWN BEFORE APPLYING FERTILIZER: Instead of fertilizing our lawns at the same schedul...



Current Aquatic Plant Management Report Drew Creek Monitoring Project Final Report 2017 Fox Lake F...


Restoring Grassland Agriculture

Please click on the following link to watch a presentation regarding restoring grassland agriculture...
